PHP 7 Now Available on All Servers

As previously announced, PHP 7 support has now been added to all our shared hosting servers. PHP 7 brings significant performance improvements over PHP 5.x and new language features that will help developers create better and more efficient code.

For backwards compatibility with Magento and other web applications, PHP 5 is still the default PHP version on our servers. PHP 7 can be enabled on a per-directory basis by adding the following code to the .htaccess file:

AddType application/x-httpd-php7 .php

All .php files in the current directory and sub-directories will now be processed by PHP 7.

Please note that Magento 1.x does not officially support PHP 7. However, several blog posts exists which explains the steps needed to get it working. There is even an extension on GitHub that adds PHP 7 compatibility to Magento

Disclaimer: ProperHost is not responsible for website crashes or damage caused by installing extensions or 3. party modules. We recommend to always create a backup first.